Building and accelerating sustainable and resilient prosperity in Coastal Communties.
Who We Are
Coastal 8 is a collaborative Systems Integrator that brings people, expertise and blended capital together. We believe that only by acting together we can build resilient and sustainable prosperity in coastal communities, whilst advancing globally scalable long-term solutions to address climate change.
What We Know
Climate change and severe weather impact are proving devastating and costly to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and coastal communities. They are the most exposed, face an existential threat, and they often lack the necessary capital and resources to upgrade their infrastructure in a sustainable and resilient manner.
What We Believe
Current approaches to addressing these issues are inadequate and often fail to create the enabling conditions essential for long-term investment and building sustainable resilience in these arenas.
Sadly too many projects are :
–Siloed. Failing to address the systemic nature of the socio-economic climate problems.
–Slow. Failing to act at the scale and speed needed to effectively address the crisis and failing to provide the appropriate metrics to monitor and measure progress.
–Segregated. Failing to bring critical disciplines together to act in unison to address these issues.
What We Do
Coastal 8, with its in-house experts, and external advisors, collaborates with local communities and other partners to identify and understand their dynamics and their challenges and then to act in partnership with them to design, fund and build resilient and prosperous coastal communities whilst tackling global climate change impacts and sustainability issues within an acceptable time frame.
Our Initiative
Coastal 8 - CRiSP Initiative

We have summarised the outcomes that we work towards as the CRiSP initiative.
The outcomes are:
Climate Change: tackling the impacts and causes
Resilience: building ecological and economic resilience
innovative: deploying innovative solutions
Sustainability: achieving SDG goals
Prosperity: creating prosperity

Coastal 8TM - P3
Coastal 8 has adopted a ‘mission economics’ philosophy, where the outcome is agreed and then the parties work together, in partnership, to achieve such outcomes. Coastal 8’s team will partner with the Island Nations and other interested parties to establish Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Agreements to address each community’s unique problems.
These agreements are instrumental in identifying and prioritising beneficial projects for the communities, that will help them to become more prosperous, more resilient and assist them in reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The partnerships will jointly pursue the investment required and attract the necessary resources to bring the projects to fruition, applying Coastal 8’s propriety ©BGet approach.
Our Approach
Coastal 8 - BGet TM

Our proprietary software-driven plan and build approach is designed to deliver economic development and environmental outcomes at the needed speed and scale taking into account the natural assets of the area. By leveraging funding opportunities and operational know-how Coastal 8’s Blue Green Economic Transition (BGetTM) program coordinates projects and stakeholders across island communities to maximize impact.

What We've Done
Caribbean Resilience Scorecard

For the past five years, Coastal 8 has worked diligently with island nations, coastal communities, NGOs, commercial entities, and financial institutions to understand the dynamics and the implications of climate change in their unique situations. This diligence resulted in the creation of the award-winning Caribbean Resilience Scorecard. A powerful planning and measurement tool that serves as the cornerstone of a successful blue green economic transition.
- Enabled and actively joined with Dominica to produce the initial Reliance Scorecard.
- Refined the Caribbean Resilience Scorecard into the scalable BGetTM Roadmap Tool.
- Gathered a key set of experts and stakeholders to advance the use of the tool to address climate change rapidly and practically.
- Searched and screened providers of key systems.
SDG & ROI Driven Approach
We are holding ourselves accountable to the United Nations 17 SDGs in which we believe 14 + 13 + 15 = 8. This foundational belief aligns our mission with efforts around the globe.

Supported Initiatives